How to Prepare for a New Year with Sabrina Walker Hernandez

Monday November 29, 2021 comments Tags: new year, preparing, nonprofits, podcast, nonprofit ace

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Hey, the new year is fast approaching and I definitely want you to listen to the conversation between Sabrina and I. Sabrina Walker Hernandez of Supporting World Hope. All right, listen up.

Chyla Graham

Hey, so excited to be chatting again with Sabrina Walker Hernandez of Supporting World Hope. If you've heard my podcast, you know, last time I introduced Sabrina, I was making up names knowing full well that I know what it is. So Sabrina is back to answer a question for me. And so 

Sabrina, tell us how do you prepare for a new year? 


Sabrina Walker Hernandez

Well, on the personal side, I'm gonna give you the personal business side. Sorry, the personal side for the new year. I like to look at different cultural traditions and I like to make sure that I try to practice everything that I learn about. I know it's strange. So you know, like wearing red underwear. Then this one's very sexist, making sure it's not a woman who walks through my door first thing after New Year's that's the one I grew up with. The meal, the Black Eyed Peas and the green beans, my mom finally told me the collard greens are for money because it's green. 

So it's different things and as I talk to different friends, I'll ask them, okay, what's your New Year's tradition? What's your cultural tradition? You know, and I'll try to add that in. and I've done that for a couple years. Then on the business side, I'm pretty anal. Like right now, I am already starting to think about what am I going to be doing next year and just putting my calendar together by quarter. So that there's no surprises. 


Chyla Graham

The planner in me loves that.


Sabrina Walker Hernandez

Yeah if you look at it, I mean if you don't count the month we’re in and I know vou shouldn't do that but we’re already in the last quarter. December is gonna be here before we know it. And so I have already said, Okay, this is what I'm going to focus on. I'm going to get this certification. I'm going to launch my membership program. I'm going to do this challenge in this month. I'm already thinking about that and I'll put it down on a calendar and when I set it, that will be it. And I'll pull that calendar out and it'll be less stress because I don't know what's coming up but I know my planning timeline, because I know when it's happening. 


Chyla Graham

Yeah, I think especially for new nonprofit leaders, thinking ahead is so much more helpful. Because you can then say, have I put too many things on my task list. So one of the things I've been using this year is Your Best Year Ever and they do an annual calendar breakdown. So every quarter, they just give you what the next 12 months are and you're supposed to write in all the things that you're like, this is happening. 

It's a holiday, it's a birthday, vacation, all of the things. And I learned that I put too many things in September. I was running out of room. I was like, I think I need to move some of these things. And I think when you do that in advance, though, it makes it easier because now I can better prepare for September instead of me going into September and being like, why don't I get it done? Well, because your list was too long. 


Sabrina Walker Hernandez

Right. And why do I feel stressed out and overwhelmed? Well, because your list was too long, it was too much. So it's prep work that comes in with all of that stuff. It's just not what's happening in that month, it's all the stuff that you have to prepare for in advance to happen. So that's pretty good. What is it called again? 


Chyla Graham

It's called Your Best You Ever. I have the 2018 version, but they also have an undated version. Because I was like, Oh, I gotta change things. I love an undated planner. 


Sabrina Walker Hernandez

Okay. Yeah, that's really good. I'm really gonna look into that. So thank you for that. 


Chyla Graham

My pleasure. Thank you so much for taking a little time to chat with us again. Have a good day.

Thanks for listening to another episode of The Nonprofit Ace Podcast. Until next time, bye.



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