How to Prevent Fraud in Your Business: Eliminating Internal/External Pressure on Staff

Monday March 27, 2023 comments

Any accounting business and tax advice contained in this podcast is not intended as a thorough in depth analysis of specific issues. Nor is it a substitute for format information. Nor is it sufficient to avoid tax related penalties. If you have specific questions that you need advice for, be sure to schedule a strategy session and not solely rely on information in this podcast. Hey, it's Chyla Graham, you're here for another episode of The Nonprofit Ace Podcast. This season has all been about fraud risk assessments. So the fraud... Read More

Protecting the Safety of Everyone with Effective Program Risk Management

Monday March 20, 2023 comments Tags: nonprofit, accounting, reporting, fraud, fraud prevention, risk assessment

Any accounting business and tax advice contained in this podcast is not intended as a thorough in depth analysis of specific issues. Nor is it a substitute for format information. Nor is it sufficient to avoid tax related penalties. Hey, it is Chyla Graham, you are here for another episode of The Nonprofit Ace Podcast. This season has been all about fraud assessment, fraud risk, because as a nonprofit accountant, I feel like it's important for organizations to feel comfortable talking about money and fraud and the risk of fraud is... Read More

How to Go Beyond the Basics: A Step Towards Fraud Risk Prevention

Monday March 13, 2023 comments

Any accounting business and tax advice contained in this podcast is not intended as a thorough in depth analysis of specific issues. Nor is it a substitute for format information. Nor is it sufficient to avoid tax related penalties. Hey, welcome to another episode of The Nonprofit Ace Podcast. I'm here to support nonprofit leaders who want to get more comfortable talking about money, who want to have a little bit small, actionable advice. I want to be there in your back pocket to be like, Hey, we know a thing. We got this. ... Read More

How to Question Leadership for Greater Transparency and Preventing Fraud

Tuesday March 7, 2023 comments Tags: nonprofit, accounting, reporting, fraud risk, fraud prevention, leadership

Any accounting business and tax advice contained in this podcast is not intended as a thorough in depth analysis of specific issues. Nor is it a substitute for format information. Nor is it sufficient to avoid tax related penalties. Hi, it is Chyla Graham, welcome to another episode of The Nonprofit Ace Podcast this season. It's all about fraud, fraud prevention. CNRG is my company, we work solely with nonprofits. My goal is that nonprofit leaders become comfortable talking about money and having conversations about fraud is... Read More

Best Practices for Securing Valuable Organization Data

Monday February 27, 2023 comments

Any accounting business and tax advice contained in this podcast is not intended as a thorough in depth analysis of specific issues. Nor is it a substitute for format information. Nor is it sufficient to avoid tax related penalties. Hey, it's Chyla Graham, you're listening to another episode of The Nonprofit Ace Podcast here. I want to make sure that nonprofit leaders feel comfortable talking about money. Part of those conversations need to be about fraud. Are you susceptible to it? How could it happen? How will we stop... Read More

How to Use a Fraud Risk Assessment to Protect Your Nonprofit

Tuesday February 21, 2023 comments Tags: nonprofit, accounting, reporting, fraud, fraud prevention, risk assessment

Any accounting business and tax advice contained in this podcast is not intended as a thorough in depth analysis of specific issues. Nor is it a substitute for format information. Nor is it sufficient to avoid tax related penalties. If you have specific questions that you need advice for, be sure to schedule a strategy session and not solely rely on information in this podcast. Hey, everyone, this is Chyla Graham, you're listening to another episode of The Nonprofit Ace Podcast. This next couple of episodes, we're actually... Read More

Safeguarding Against Minor Mix-Ups by Creating Clear Roles

Tuesday February 21, 2023 comments Tags: nonprofit, accounting, consulting, fraud, fraud risk assessment, segregating duties

Any accounting business and tax advice contained in this podcast is not intended as a thorough in depth analysis of specific issues. Nor is it a substitute for format information. Nor is it sufficient to avoid tax related penalties. If you have specific questions that you need advice for, be sure to schedule a strategy session and not solely rely on information in this podcast. Hey, it's Chyla Graham, welcome to another episode of The Nonprofit Ace Podcast. This week I want to talk to you about the segregation of duties. So... Read More

How to Eliminate Emotional Decisions and Implement Internal Controls in Your Nonprofit Organization

Tuesday February 21, 2023 comments Tags: nonprofit, accounting, reporting, fraud, fraud prevention, risk assessment

Any accounting business or tax advice in this era podcast is not intended as a thorough in depth analysis of specific issues nor is it a substitute for a formula opinion. It is not good enough to avoid tax related penalties. This season, I wanted to focus more on risk and explaining some of the risks that are associated with the finances at a nonprofit. Season Five, we did a whole lot of articles on fraud, ways to prevent it. But the best prevention is understanding what fraud looks like, understanding how to assess your... Read More

The Perfect Timeline for Your Fundraiser

Sunday February 19, 2023 comments Tags: podcast, budget, nonprofit, planning, fundraising

Any accounting business or tax advice in this era podcast is not intended as a thorough in depth analysis of your specific issues. It's not a substitute for a formula opinion. It is not good enough to avoid tax related penalties.. This is not a fundraising podcast but I realized as we're going into the fall into fundraising seasons, for organizations, this is something worth talking about. And so as we wrap up this season, I do want to leave you with one thing to consider. And maybe it's not something you've changed right... Read More

Navigating Your Financial Statements

Sunday February 19, 2023 comments Tags: nonprofit, accounting, mission, vision, tools, financial reports, balance sheet

Any accounting business or tax advice in this here podcast is not intended as a thorough in depth analysis of your specific issues. It's not a substitute for a formula opinion. It is not good enough to avoid tax related penalties. Today, the question that's been burning in your hearts, when you think about the financials, what do you want to know? So people want to know three things about the financial statements. They want to know, cash on hand and I'm saying this based off of conversations with nonprofit leaders... Read More



